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45. Wall panel at Horfield Meeting House

The Wall Panel At Horfield Meeting House spells out the Quaker Testimonies of peace, equality, simplicity and truth.

Panel on wall

To celebrate the centenary of Horfield Quakers’ Meeting House, in 2009 a special tiled wall panel was added.

The panel is on the side of the wall that faces the street, so is visible to everyone who passes it walking up or down Gloucester Road, Bristol, England.

Friends of all ages got together to create the tiles, some of the which also feature pictures of animals and nature, with some of them being made by children.

As well as the new panel, the peace garden in the building’s courtyard has seen drab grey slabs replaced with mosaics and plants.

Image(s) from bristolquakers.org.uk/ and Judi Brill


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